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A Guide to Male-Female Interaction

Interaction between unrelated members of the opposite sex is inevitable at times. Yet, questions about whether or not it is

A Mercy to Humanity

In this unique study of the Prophet?s biography, Dr. ?Â’id al-Qarni delivers a personal insight into the events of the

An Inspired Life-A Biography of Prophet Muhammad

An Inspired Life informs and inspires with its insights into the birth of the Islamic Faith and the tribulations encountered

Belief in Allah: In the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah

In this first of his eight-volume Islamic Creed Series, Dr. ?Umar al-Ashqar discusses the mistaken ideas that have crept into

Bent Rib: A Journey through Women’s Issues in Islam

This is a new, fully-revised edition of Huda Khattab?s discussion of important women?s issues in Islam. It examines several controversial

Common Mistakes Regarding Prayer

Formal prayer (sal?h) is the second pillar of Islam, and the most important of a Muslim?s acts of worship. Prophet

Dangers In The Home

Putting things right in the home is a great trust and a huge responsibility, which every Muslim man and woman

Don?t Be Sad

Since its first edition, readers from all over the world have benefited from this popular and heartening book, making it

Fiqh Us-Sunnah Vol 1

About Fiqh-us-Sunnah, the respected scholar as-Sayyid Sabiq writes: In dealing with the subject [of fiqh, or jurisprudence of the Sunnah],

Funeral Rites in Islam

?Death is the ultimate reality of life.? This life on earth is only a transitory phase on the way to

Hadith Terminology and Classification: A Handbook

Hadith Terminology and Classification authored by Muhammad published by IIPH is a concise handbook that aims to facilitate students

Islamic Beliefs

In this era of confusion, innovation, and division, it is essential for Muslims to monitor their beliefs and their approach

Jesus, Prophet of Islam

Some believe he was a man, others that he was God, and others simply consider it a myth, but who

Muharramat: Forbidden Matters Some People Take Lightly

Some Muslims who are either ignorant or of weak faith still commit many acts which Allah never allowed. Ignorance is

Nurturing Eeman In Children

A plethora of parenting books on the market these days covers every aspect of dealing with your children. From the

Paradise and Hell: In the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah

In the end, nothing is more important to the believer than attaining admittance to Paradise and avoiding Hell. This will

Psychology from the Islamic Perspective

Psychology is one of the most intriguing scientific disciplines as humans are inherently curious about their own nature. Ironically, there

Riba: Usury or Interest

The Noble Qur?an states: {? Fear Allah, and give up what remains of your demand for usury/interest, if you are

Salah ad-Deen al-Ayubi 3 Volume Set

The renowned contemporary Arab historian of Islam, Dr. Ali M. Sall?bi has written a fascinating biography of a man who

Stories of the Prophets

Believing in all the Messengers and prophets of Allah is one of the pillars of faith in Islam. Denying any

Tajweed Rules for Qur’anic Recitation – A Beginner’s Guide

Tajweed Rules for Qur’anic Recitation – A Beginner’s Guide published by IIPH. This book gives the reader the necessary tools

The Concise Presentation of the Fiqh of the Sunnah and the Noble Book

Although there are a number of introductory compilations of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) issues available, this particular work is unique in

The Day of Resurrection: In the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah

Belief in the Day of Resurrection is one of the central tenets of Islamic faith. It is a belief that

The Evolution of Fiqh: Islamic Law and the Madh-habs

In The Evolution of Fiqh: Islamic Law & the Madh-habs, Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips presents a brief overview of

The Ideal Muslimah

In defining what an ideal Muslimah’s character would look like, there are a few key attributes which separate her from

The Jinn: Ibn Taymeeyah’s Essay on Demons

Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips has rendered Ibn Taymiyah?s treatise, ?Eed?h ad-Dal?lah fee ?Umoom ar-Ris?lah?, from volume 19 of Majmoo?

The Music Made Me Do It

Is the issue of music a controversial one in Islam? With the prevalence of computers and various electronic devices today,

The Path to Self-Fulfilment

The Path to Self-Fulfilment seeks to uplift your inner soul and give you the necessary means to live a fulfilling

The Personality of Allah’s Last Messenger

The world has not lacked for heroes or great personalities, yet most of them distinguished themselves in one field or

The Prophet’s Methods of Correcting People’s Mistakes

There are many teaching methods with different means and aids. Correcting mistakes is one that educationalists call the ?remedial method?.

The Purpose of Creation

The purpose of creation is a topic that puzzles every human being at some point in his or her life.

The Sources of the Qur’an: A Critical Review of the Authorship Theories

“Who is the author of the Qur?an?” On this subject scholars have flagrantly contradicted each other. This work attempts to

The Sunnah and Its Role in Islamic Legislation

Shaykh as-Sib?ee takes us through the historical development of the Sunnah, from the early stages of revelation to the recording

The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him) is the  translated English transaction of ايام النبى

Traversing the Highs and Lows of Muslim Marriage

Are you engaged to be married with preconceived notions about this blessed union? Or are you a newly-wed couple for

Usool al-Hadith

Dr. Bilal Philips writes: “The Prophet?s sayings and actions were primarily based on revelation from Allah and, as such, must

You Can Be The Happiest Woman In The World

If you have ever had depressing thoughts, low motivation, or if you feel stress on a regular basis, you are