True Repentance


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SKU: IPH01097 Categories: ,

Repentance is the first stage of the journey towards success, the first step towards eternal happiness. Although it is the beginning of this path, it is also the middle and the end of it, for the servants of Allah do not abandon repentance. They carry on repenting, whenever they find themselves slipping, until they reach their deaths.
This book discusses how to make sincere repentance by starting with regret which leads to resolution and recognition of the sins that form a barrier between us and our Lord. Then, we rush towards peace and salvation, knowing that there is no way to escape from Allah except by seeking refuge in Him. When we turn to Allah with sincere repentance, fear His punishment, and hope for His forgiveness, we find that Allah’s Mercy is ever great.
It is hoped that those who read this book will be brought closer to Allah, so that the reality of true repentance will be make clear, and they may be among the purified repentant believers.

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Weight 70 g
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