Islam a Total Beginners Guide (3 vols)


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Islam a Total Beginners Guide (3 vols) written by Molvi Abdul Aziz and publish by Dar-us-salam. This book offers an insightful introduction to Islam and takes the reader through well-known authentic sources and takes a closer look at the Islamic Faith, the Noble Qur’an, the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah and his sayings. It explores the Five Pillars of Islam in depth and narrates the biography of the Prophet briefly but distinctly. The book presents a brief yet comprehensive survey of the basic teachings of Islam with particular stress on the significance of Islam’s central belief in the Oneness of Allah or Tawhid. The book offers an in-depth discussion on the Glorious Qur’an as the Revealed Book.

What does Islam say about polygyny, divorce and the rights of Parents?
• What does Islam say about inter-religious marriages, man’s treatment towards his wife and privacy in homes?
• What does Islam say about dress, veil, clothing and ornaments, perfumes and the wisdom of banning gold and silk for men?

This beginner’s guide to Islam answers all such questions that cover all the basic aspects of human life.

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